[In my 2006 book, I did not want to duplicate the same ground covered by several other family researchers. The below statement is what I included, as I wanted to cover new family areas and people.]
Robert D. Darrah, D1B
Since Robert D. Darrah is the
subject of at least two other extensive family histories, I will not expand
further on him or his family lines, except to say that he moved to Monongalia
County, now West Virginia, and lived there the rest of his life.
See “Darrah Diggings” by Rosanna
Parker and Mavis Brees, 1991.
This genealogy is in several large
libraries including the Family History
Library in Salt Lake City and the
Allen County Public Library in Fort
Wayne, Indiana. Rosanna and Mavis are
from Iowa.
See “Darrah: A History of the Darrah
and Related Families” by Earl Lindsay
Darrah, 1994. This is also in several
large genealogy libraries. Earl is from
Tampa, FL.